Friday, May 1, 2009

Most Viewed - Crash Koninginnedag

Video Tittle:
Crash Koninginnedag
Video Description:
Een wagen is tijdens een optocht op Koninginnedag in Apeldoorn ingereden op het publiek. Er zouden één dode en veertien gewonden zijn. De hulpdiensten zijn ter plekke. De bestuurder is aangehouden.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dress Up - Couple at Night Party

Game Description:
Couple at Night Party: To get others attracted by the appearance among lots of others at a night party is really hard. Everyone has their own beauty. I must think now. Because, I'm going to attend a night party. (thinking....). How to match the dress with sandal, shoes, hair style, jewelry,.... The long party dresses with straps are ideal for fancy parties? I have to try and match some of them. Go with me!!!
Game controls:
This game is played with mouse only.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Action - Bomb Squad

Game Description:
Find the bombs and diffuse them by solving the puzzles
Game controls:
Use Arrow Keys to interact.
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Makeover - Right Hair Emo

Game Description:
Give the right Emo look for her.
Game controls:
Use mouse to interact.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Mind - Image Disorder Ali Larter

Game Description:
Arrange the images of one of the hottest chic in primetime tv.
Game controls:
Use mouse to interact.
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Punk - Forget About Me

Layout Title:
Forget About Me
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Adventure - Angelina and Brad Kissing

Game Description:
Find the bombs and diffuse them by solving the puzzles
Game controls:
Use Arrow Keys to interact.
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